Mai 2024

Being a traditional employer makes BMP an important regional player. We are strongly connected to the city and a good partner to regional business. 

Again in 2024 we have presented our team, our products and our services in the cause of the business show at the local city festival. 

People visiting the team at the booth had the chance to win prices with estimating production volume. Lots of potential new colleagues used the chance to get a good insight into working at BMP from the team.

New website

September 2023

Wow, what a glorious September! Yet another news is to be proclaimed:

Our new website is now online!

Our company site has undergone a full face lift with a new design. The use of the is now fully updated for all users and mobile devices. We are happy receiving your feedback – how do you like the new website?

Happy Anniversary & new logo

September 15th, 2023

A dream came true when we were celebrating our 30 years anniversary in a festive location in Parchim – we proudly revealed our new company logos for BMP Production and BMP Oral Care. With a grown up new appearance and even more drive we are heading a new year.

Celebrating an anniversary means also saying THANKYOU! Without the trust and support of all our staff, customers and partners this wouldn´t have been possible. 

30 years BMP and more to come

September 15th, 2023

How exciting! In September we have celebrated our 30th anniversary with all our staff, with lovely guests and treasured partners.

And not only that: BMP solemnly opened our third manufacturing building. Lots and lots of partners and staff have spent an exciting day with us giving a strong meaning to the words “This wouldn´t have been possible without you!” 

Open House at BMP

September 14th, 2023, 11 am to 7 pm

You want to get a good glimpse behind the scenes in a pharmaceutical company? You are interested in seeing how products are being produced and speaking to people running the machines?
Come and learn more about BMP, what we do in our facility at Neuhofer Weiche 48 in Parchim. We warmly welcome you and your family and peers from 11 am to 5 pm to visit us, learn about the history and development of the company and visit the newly opened third manufacturing building of BMP Production GmbH and BMP Oral Care GmbH.

BMP is open for families and interested people and invites you to spend an interesting day with us. We are happy to get in touch with you, show you around, offer some fun kids actions and jummy New York style HotDogs.

Wirtschaftsmeile in Parchim

May 2023

Our Team joined again the local Stadtfest in the city centre on the “Wirtschaftsmeile”, where local companies were able to present themselves.

With best weather and lots of visitors the day was big fun. Guests were welcome to learn about the services of BMP and to give a good guess for our lottery. The announcement of the winner will be done in a few days.

bmp joins the trade show VITAFOODS Europe 2023 in Geneva

May 2023

On Mai 9th and 10th we will be travelling to Geneva in Switzerland to again join the Vitafoods Europe, the supplement CMOs biggest event in Europe. We will be gathering new ideas and trends, visit lots of supplying partners and meet customers and partners. The trade show is a perfect chance to have an updated look at the newest developments on technology, raw material and packaging.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Geneva.

Reading material for a local high school

April 2023

Pia Wiltgrupp, an 18 year old student from the Friedrich-Franz high school in Parchim has written a book to handle her cancer and the time she has been sick. BMP is sponsoring a set of 30 books for the use in literature, religious and social classes. Pia and her teacher came to visit BMP and speak about the history of the book, Pias motivation and how the book will contribute to the lesson “Life and Death”. “We are happy to support Pia in enlightening people to handle the issue on cancer and dying.

Award for BMP “Family friendly employer”

October 2022

In October 2022 BMP has been re-audited by the Wirtschaftsförderung des Landkreises Ludwigslust-Parchim for being an employer with a family friendly policy.

We support our employees with a lot of projects benefitting their family live and work-life-balance. We are delighted to again having passed the audit.
You would like to know more about BMP? Come visit us on JOBS

bmp shows off at the VITAFOODS Europe 2022 in Geneva

May 2022

From May 10th to 12th bmp has presented its portfolio at the biggest European trade show for suppliers and contract manufacturers for supplements VITAFOODS Europe in Genf. On a big booth bmp and our daughter Helago have presented products and technologies in the pharma, cosmetic and supplement field. Next to both sales teams we were present with our supply team.
The trade show was a perfect chance to have an updated look at the newest developments on technology, raw material and packaging.

Groundbreaking for bmp oral care gmbh

April 2022

A third manufacturing and storing site is planned at the company address in Neuhofer Weiche 48 in Parchim. The bmp sister bmp oral care gmbh will start production of medical products here from 2023.